Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anticipating the Unknown

'Standing on the Cliff Edge' photo (c) 2013, M. Dolly - license: Have you ever had a great idea or at least what you thought was a great idea? You work diligently to bring the idea to fruition. Then on the big day of the "happening," you feel like you are jumping off a cliff and wondering whether the outcome will be a hard or soft landing? Yesterday was such a day for me.

Only a week yesterday six outstanding Texas librarians agreed to help host a weekly Twitter chat for Texas librarians named txlchat. Michelle Cooper, Sue Fitzgerald, Naomi Bates, Marsha Edney, Sonja Schulz, and I launched our first chat last night. The landing? Soft as a feather bed.

Although the tweet chat was publicized on several listservs and tweeted and retweeted, we had no way to anticipate what would happen. We could be chatting among the seven of us, or we could be chatting with a larger audience. Anticipation reached a fever-pitch when 8:00 rolled around. Not more than 5 minutes into the chat, Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1) tweeted our chat. Our audience had already reached outside Texas! Can you imagine six librarians doing a happy dance? Too bad we didn't have a Google Hangout going at the same time; you would have seen the best Harlem Shake anywhere.

So the fear of failing/falling has once again been averted. My husband says I'm always happiest when I'm one step from the unknown. So, I'm almost ready to stand on another cliff...which is my natural habitat. It's the only way to grow professionally, right?

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